Section 15, Topic 2
In Progress

Recordings from Counterpart Meetings

Section Progress
0% Complete

Cohort Relationships Are Key

This clip is impactful because it showcases how strong the relationships are within the cohort. Before even starting the meeting participants are sharing stories, laughing, and exchanging good vibes. This is a model of a strong community that coaches should aim for.

Authentic Reflection & Discussion

The coach poses a question and school leaders have a discussion and examine the problem together. Effective Counterpart meetings are authentic conversations, where the coach and facilitator create a space and for school leaders to engage meaningfully with one another.

Coaches As Guides

Here Matt, the coach, is making connections to what the school leaders have said while pushing them to think more deeply around the theme at hand. He shares from his experience as an administrator and Inflexion’s organizational values, makes clarifications for leaders, and challenges them to consider learning outcomes beyond just credit accrual.

Making the Most of What You Have

In this clip, you will see that the group dwindled down drastically. Instead of closing the meeting out, Matt pivoted the focus to the school leader who remained present. He provided thoughtful insight to a challenge she was facing, and thus made sure that the time spent together was meaningful.