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Coach (Re)Orientation
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Inflexion -
Overview of Portico1 Reflection
Portico Community1 Topic
The 5 Shifts1 Topic
Inflexion Approach4 Topics
COACHING LOGISTICSPortico Executive Coach Expectations1 Topic
Evocative Coaching
Digital Portfolio
Portico App
Availability & Scheduling
Coach Supports
COACHING PREPARATIONExplore Toolkit1 Reflection
Get Ready for Copilot4 Topics
Get Ready for Counterpart2 Topics
Sign Up for Crowdsource
Section 14,
Topic 3
In Progress
Setting Goals With School Leaders
Section Progress
0% Complete
Here are several resources coaches can use to identify leader needs and goals for the year, and then to track progress on those goals throughout the year. The following links are templates that can be copied by coaches or facilitators to use with individual leaders in the Portico site:
- TEMPLATE: Leadership Scope and Sequence Planning
- TEMPLATE: 90 Day Action Plan Cycle
- TEMPLATE: School Continuous Improvement Plan
Once goals are documented, they should be added to a discussion thread in the Copilot Group with that school leader. This thread can be pinned so it is always at the top for easy access. Any updates to the goals can be made as replies to thread throughout the year.