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Explore Toolkit

Toolkit is Portico’s library of grab-and-go resources for school leaders. It contains activities, classroom tools, and implementation plans that allow educators to avoid reinventing the wheel and focus more time on transforming learning to be relevant for all.

Recent Toolkit Posts

  • Creating Shared Approaches: Tuning Protocol for Building Consensus
    It is critical for school leaders to understand the importance of consensus building within school communities, process feedback, and effectively communicate with stakeholders throughout the decision-making processes. This protocol is designed to gather warm, cool, and cold feedback from your school community, which can be used to “tune” or adapt the decisions and approaches you move forward with.
  • Enticing Into Confusion
    No matter our instructional, distributed, or transformational leadership strengths their value does not address the change agent’s mortal enemy, the status quo. Foot soldiers in the status quo army are the purveyors of “No!” No matter how promising an idea, the answer is always the same—no.
  • Open Lines of Communication: Hold Authentic Spaces to Gather Feedback and Have Brave Conversations
    Open lines of communication to create brave spaces for your staff, students, and community to share their excitement, hesitations, and to crowdsource the genius in the room. These protocols support organic conversations as you navigate changes or challenges.
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