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Purposeful Hiring, Onboarding, and Evaluation
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Get Ready to Make your Hiring, Onboarding, and Evaluation More Purposeful3 Topics
Compile and review the current policies and procedures utilized to recruit, hire, onboard, support, and evaluate staff to determine areas of alignment with your shared vision for readiness and identity, as well as identifying any gaps that need to be addressed
Assess the demographics of your current staff and leadership, and analyze the staff turnover rates over the past 5 to 10 years
Identify progress markers
Compile and review the current policies and procedures utilized to recruit, hire, onboard, support, and evaluate staff to determine areas of alignment with your shared vision for readiness and identity, as well as identifying any gaps that need to be addressed
Engage Staff and Students to Improve Hiring, Onboarding, and Evaluation3 Topics
Ask staff to identify what impacted them both positively and negatively during the interview process, onboarding, professional development opportunities, and the evaluation process
Ask those who have participated on interview teams what impacted them both positively and negatively.
Gather student input on the attributes of the ideal educator for your community
Ask staff to identify what impacted them both positively and negatively during the interview process, onboarding, professional development opportunities, and the evaluation process
Develop Purposeful Hiring, Onboarding, and Evaluation Structures and Practices5 Topics
Identify the formal and informal steps or plans in place to ensure that a diverse talent pool has access to your open positions.
Develop a behavior-based hiring process.
Developing an onboarding process to introduce new school staff to the school's vision for readiness and identity
Develop professional learning structures within the school that ensures all staff are supported in their development
Set up a multi-prong approach to staff support and evaluation (formal and informal) aligned to the school's vision for readiness and identity
Identify the formal and informal steps or plans in place to ensure that a diverse talent pool has access to your open positions.
Section 1,
Topic 2
In Progress
Assess the demographics of your current staff and leadership, and analyze the staff turnover rates over the past 5 to 10 years
Section Progress
0% Complete

To what extent does your staff represent the demographics of your students and families?
If there is a disparity, what objectives should you establish to enhance your staff’s representation of your community?
What information did you analyze regarding your staff turnover rates?
What insights did you obtain from assessing your staff turnover rates?