Diverse group of parents and teachers smiling and talking informally.

Practice Anti-Bias Education Through Family & Community Engagement: Support Teacher-Family Relationships Built on Respect


Strong communication between school staff and families is important in any school, and has special relevance for schools committed to anti-bias education. These suggestions complement a school’s anti-bias education program, and are great ideas for fostering a healthy community between all stakeholders, (staff, students, teachers, community, and families).

Latinx female teacher listening to a diverse group of high school students as they sit in a circle and share ideas.

Conduct Design Camp: Provide a Platform for Student Involvement with School Decisions


The Design Camp project is an effort to look more deeply at the day-to-day experiences of students.

Black female teacher listening to a diverse group of high school students as they sit in a circle and share ideas.

Conduct Empathy Interviews: Elevating Student Voices, So You Can Understand and Support Them


Empathy Interviews provide an opportunity to really understand a student, or group of students, by diving deeper than the surface-level question, “How are you?” and receiving the typical response, “I’m fine.” These interviews inform intentional classroom and school-level action by elevating student voices and garnering a better understanding of student needs (SEL and well-being), and experiences (engagement). This resource provides step-by-step instructions on how to conduct an empathy interview.

Three diverse professional woman look at a poster paper with one pointing at it.

Model SEL for Students: Five Social and Emotional Competencies Gallery Walk


Modeling SEL offers students positive examples of how to navigate stress and frustration and maintain healthy relationships while simultaneously influencing the learning climate. You can engage staff in this activity to reflect on how you will intentionally model SEL as part of schoolwide implementation.

Diverse group of high school students sits in a circle talking and smiling.

Incorporate Social and Emotional Learning into Routines & Rituals: Optimistic Closures to Class and Meetings


Educators and OST providers understand and believe in the power of SEL, but often seek clarity about how to demonstrate and observe SEL in action.
The Optimistic Closure Activities are practical ways to introduce and broaden the use of SEL practices in classrooms, schools, and even workplaces.

Elementary teacher and students sit in a circle smiling and laughing.

Incorporate SEL in the Classroom: Engaging Strategies for Brain Breaks and Transitions


Educators and OST providers understand and believe in the power of SEL, but often seek clarity about how to demonstrate and observe SEL in action.
The Engaging Strategies and Brain Breaks are practical ways to introduce and broaden the use of SEL practices in classrooms, schools, and even workplaces.

Diverse group of elementary students sit in a circle, smiling and waving their hands in the air.

Incorporate SEL into Routines & Rituals: Open Class and Meetings With a Welcoming Inclusion Activity


Educators and OST providers understand and believe in the power of SEL, but often seek clarity about how to demonstrate and observe SEL in action.
The Welcoming Inclusion Activities are practical ways to introduce and broaden the use of SEL practices in classrooms, schools, and even workplaces.

Black female teacher with short haircut and green cardigan laughs with a diverse group of elementary students.

Fostering Collaborative & Inclusive Learning Spaces: Incorporate SEL Practices Into Activities


Educators and OST providers understand and believe in the power of SEL, but often seek clarity about how to demonstrate and observe SEL in action.
The 3 signature practice activities are practical ways to introduce and broaden the use of SEL practices in classrooms, schools, and even workplaces.

Diverse team of professionals stand around a table discussing ideas.

5 Easy Swaps: Engage in Effective Anti-Bias Training


Research suggests stand-alone anti-bias training may not change long-term behavior. For leaders working to make their schools more equitable, studies suggest some alternatives to common pitfalls.

Group of four diverse teachers sit in a circle around a table and discuss ideas.

The 5 Whys Technique: Discover the Root of a Problem for Kaizen


Recurrent problems are often symptoms of deeper issues. Learn the 5 Whys technique to get to the root cause of a problem.

Diverse group of four high school students working and laughing with each other.

Seven Ways to Help High Schoolers Find Purpose: Support Every Student to Find Their Purpose


This activity will help you ensure you have support for every student to find their purpose. Identify the three interrelated factors essential to fostering purpose, and examine if the supports and opportunities each student is receiving align to their skills and strengths.

Black female teacher holds a globe and smiles as a diverse group of elementary students gather round engaged.

Assess Your Inclusive Practices: Bring Culturally Responsive Practices Into The Daily Routine


This activity will help your leadership team assess and identify how inclusive practices, supports, and structures, such as co-teaching and teaming, are at your campus.

Are the environments on your campus (classrooms, extracurricular and common areas, virtual spaces) set up to be most welcoming and accommodating for your students, or for the adults?

Four smiling Black high school students outside shoulder to shoulder with a female in the center as the main focus.

Transform the Student Experience Through Listening: Reflect on How Your Students are Being Heard


This activity is designed to reflect on how you are engaging students to share their experiences, and to garner what they need from school. This is an opportunity to identify groups of students who need increased opportunity to share their thoughts and dreams.

Three diverse professional women sit at a table and discuss ideas.

Make Sure All Students Have What They Need to Learn: Reflect on Purposeful Learning in Your School


In this activity your team will discuss what purposeful learning means to you (teachers, staff and leaders) in your school, and begin to develop a set of tools to support purposeful learning every period of every day at your site.

Diverse group of people (different ages, races, genders, etc.) sit in a circle, smiling, and sharing ideas.

Envision the Future of Your School


This activity is designed for the entire school community and will be conducted with staff, leadership teams, families, and students. This is an opportunity to look into the future, and envision your school identity and culture with all your stakeholder groups.

Group of high school students all dressed in orange tee-shirts and orange face paint cheering their team while multi-colored confetti falls around them.

Discover Your School’s Identity: Rate Your School’s Identity With Your School Leadership Team & Teachers


An activity designed to develop a shared understanding of a school’s identity and explore specific values and beliefs that are necessary to implement a (MTSS) in secondary schools.

Four diverse high school students smiling and walking side by side as a group with a college building behind them.

Develop Life Readiness Pathways: Prepare and Empower Students for Their Futures


Develop schoolwide Life Readiness pathways so students feel prepared and empowered for their next steps. Reflections and activities from all of these experiences should be aligned with the school’s shared vision for readiness and collected in portfolios that each student adds to throughout their school journey and are used in Senior Exit Interviews.

Diverse group of high school students sit in a circle in chairs discussing ideas.

Empower Student Leaders: A Student Activity


This activity will be conducted with your students to allow them an opportunity to think about how they feel empowered at school, and what things (if any), prevent them from becoming leaders.

Young Black woman with natural hair marks a point on a grid chart on a whiteboard with a red dry erase marker as three colleagues observe.

Assess Your School’s Level of Student Empowerment


This activity will guide your team to examine how student empowerment can be incorporated into students’ daily lives. Are your students empowered to change your school for the better? Are they encouraged to advocate for what they need when they need it?

Female high school student smiles and gestures with her hands up in surprise and discovery as other students watch in a classroom.

Prepare Students for Their Future: Develop a Course for Students to Explore Their Purpose


Develop a course for students to explore their purpose and gain a better understanding of who they are, and what they value.

High school students in blue t-shirts with the word "volunteer" printed on them sort donated clothes in cardboard boxes. One female student faces the camera smiling.

School Projects for Positive Change: Empower Students to Positively Impact Their Communities


Empower students to positively impact their communities, country, and the world. Consider projects from Design for Change.

Three high school students comfort a peer whose head hangs in her hand in distress.

Help Students Develop Empathy: Teach Empathy via Learning for Justice


Give students the opportunity to think about and practice empathy. Use lesson plans from Teaching Tolerance.

Diverse group of four smiling high school students.

Develop Student Agency: Allow Students to Manage Their Daily Learning


Use design thinking, or a hackathon approach, to give students the opportunity to envision how their daily school experience should change to allow students to better manage their own learning.

A female teachers and a diverse group of elementary students sit on desktops in a circle and laugh with each other.

Teaching Guide: Facilitate Learning that Motivates Students


Train teachers to better understand and facilitate learning that motivates students. This teaching guide provides some strategies and key concepts connected to student motivation.