Establish Equitable Grading Practices Throughout Your School: School in Action – Samueli Academy

We want our grades to motivate students intrinsically.
– Joe Feldman

Equitable grading is one of the most inclusive practices a school can have in place. This Big Play requires time and intentional planning to ensure it is tied to your shared student outcomes. Once equitable grading practices are part of every classroom, it makes space for incorporating student ownership of learning and reflection.
- Review Samueli Academy’s grading practices and how they are integrated into instruction and school identity
- Begin brainstorming a process for evaluating and transforming your school’s grading system to be more meaningful and equitable to all students
SCHOOL IN ACTION: Samueli Academy in Santa Ana, California
- Samueli Academy in Santa Ana, California has done the work to develop this type of grading system.
- Students’ grades in all their classes are determined using five categories:
1. Written Communication
2. Oral Communication
3. Collaboration
4. Agency
5. Knowledge & Thinking
- Students, staff, and families know that grading in this holistic way is a key part of the school’s identity.
- They have done the work to make sure it is communicated from the beginning to students and families, and is integrated into their grading system for their educators.
- This creates a learning environment where grading becomes inclusive of students’ voices, and a process that develops learning partnerships between teachers and students.
- Big Plays are substantial efforts that take 6-18 months to fully accomplish.
- Give yourself, your leadership team, and your school time to survey all stakeholders, brainstorm and plan for possible solutions, and check in with stakeholders along the way
- Remember, this is not a quick fix:
- You’re establishing a schoolwide change that should better serve all students for years to come