Understanding Community Schools

Diverse group of smiling children with theirs arms across each other's shoulders while outside.

Student voices are so essential to community schools because we advocate for our community, and we find solutions we all think would be beneficial to our families and ourselves.

– Myriam Alkalach, Magnolia High School Student, AUHSD


Read about what community schools are and then watch the two brief videos about how the Anaheim Union School District is implementing the community schools model to ensure all of their students are truly thriving.

Reflect on your own school’s approaches to supporting students in and out of the school building and connecting the school and its community. Consider what adopting a community school model might look like for you and your school community.


Community schools provide a range of high-quality academic and enrichment programs and integrated supports to students and their families to address in- and out-of-school barriers to learning. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 defines a full-service community school as a public elementary or secondary school that participates in a community-based effort to coordinate and integrate educational, developmental, family, health, and other comprehensive services through community-based organizations and public and private partnerships; and provides in-school access to such services to students, families, and the community. This access includes during the school year, before and after school – including on weekends – and during the summer.


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