Contact Information

Phone Number

(562) 686-8331


First Name


Last Name





Anaheim Union High School District

City and State

Anaheim, CA


Chief Academic Officer, Anaheim Union High School District
Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Anaheim Union HSD
Principal Savanna High School, Anaheim Union High School District
Principal Sycamore Junior High School, Anaheim Union High School District
ACSA Certified Coach
AVID Regional Coordinator, Los Angeles County Office of Education

Locations of Experience

San Jose, Baldwin Park, Anaheim, Los Angeles County


I'm here because

Why me?  Life and professional experiences.

Why this?  It is the most important work.

Why here?  Transformative

Why now?  Imperative

I got here through

Don’t take things personally.  We can only control what we can control.  Be the change you want to see and model it for others.

My hope for this community

My greatest hopes are to have meaningful conversations that make a difference for school leaders and support school leaders in transforming education for all students.

I can support you with

Be patient, be intentional, be kind.

Favorite role in education

Teacher, seeing the light bulb go off is uplifting and euphoric.