The range of programs provided to students cater to their identities, interests, aspirations, and needs.
Elements of Equitable Access (Programmatic)
These elements serve as guiding principles or visions of what “perfect” or “ideal” outcomes might look like.
Sustaining a diverse range of program options is a schoolwide commitment.
Student outcomes and opportunities to engage and learn are regularly monitored throughout the year.
Inclusive, good-quality education is a foundation for dynamic and equitable societies.
– Desmond Tutu
Toolkit Resources for Equitable Access (Programmatic)
Rethinking Schoolwide Schedules: Build a School Day That Prioritizes People
Unpacking “All” Protocol: Making Sure We Actually Serve ALL Students
Inverted Pyramid Planning Template: Planning an MTSS Framework That Works for ALL Students
Coherence and a Multi-Tiered System of Supports Activity: Evaluate & Visualize Your MTSS Framework
Crowdsource Workshops on Equitable Access (Programmatic)
Past Crowdsource Recaps
Schoolwide Scheduling for Equity: Designing Programs for All Learners
Equity at Every Level
Reflection Prompts for School Leaders
- What equitable access programs are available for students and how are they organized so everyone is aware of them? How do you know which ones are working? How do you know when/if you need more? How do you know when to stop offering a program?
- How are you connecting your equitable access programs to your vision for readiness and your shared identity?
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