Get Started with Community School Development
So you’re familiar with community schools. You’re interested. But getting started can feel like the hardest part. While your own school/district’s path may ultimately differ from Anaheim Union School District’s, their example can help you begin mapping out where to start.
Celebrate Community Efforts Along the Journey
Since the end result may not be realized for some time, it’s especially important to celebrate efforts—along with successes— throughout transformational journeys. And when it comes to family and community engagement initiatives, be sure to recognize and highlight everyone involved. When effort is directly recognized for making a positive impact toward larger goals, it can help motivate people by showing progress is being made and that the “little things” really matter when it comes to achieving loftier goals; it also helps solidify and empower our sense of community and unity.
Understanding & Evaluating The Four Pillars of Community Schools
What are community schools? Why should I consider this model? This resource provides an overview of the Four Pillars of Community Schools framework, so you can start reflecting more specifically on your own school’s approaches to supporting students in and out of the school building and connecting the school and its community.
Understanding Community Schools
What are community schools? Why should I consider this model? This resource provides an overview, so you can start reflecting on your own school’s approaches to supporting students in and out of the school building and connecting the school and its community.
Evaluate Systems & Structures That Support School Communities
During a Crowdsource on March 16, 2023, Anaheim Union High School District shared strategies for effectively engaging parents and family members. How can you create more authentic connections with and supports for your greater school community?
The Literacy Playbook: Integrate Literacy Into Every Period, Every Day
When students are struggling with literacy, consider teaching it schoolwide during every period of every day. This is what Valley High School implemented with outstanding results. This resource goes over the literacy playbook.
Develop Literacy Skills and Civic Competency: Plan an Identity Artifact Museum Activity
Do Something performance tasks ask students to demonstrate their anti-bias awareness and civic competency by applying their literacy and social justice knowledge in an authentic real-world context. The Identity Artifacts Museum activity provides students with the resources, time and strategies necessary to reflect upon and better understand aspects of their own identities and those of others.
Develop Literacy Skills and Civic Competency: Plan the ‘Writing Letters for Change’ Activity
Do Something performance tasks ask students to demonstrate their anti-bias awareness and civic competency by applying their literacy and social justice knowledge in an authentic real-world context. Truth to Power: Writing Letters for Change is an effective advocacy tool with the potential to create change while building student confidence. Writing for social change encourages writers to use their own voices and promotes literacy skills.
Liberatory Design Cards: Engage Your Students in Equity Center Design
Create opportunities for the human-centered designer to notice and reflect on the identities, experiences and biases they bring to a design opportunity by using a card deck created by Standford’s K12 Lab Network and The National Equity Project.
The Challenge Zone: Implement These Techniques to Build a Culture of Critical Thinking
Using these techniques in daily interactions with educators, students, and parents can shape a shared respect for critical thinking that’s accessible to every student.
Monday Morning Wins: Staff Newsletters Support and Connect the School Community
To support her school staff, a principal developed a weekly newsletter called Monday Morning Wins where she ties what’s happening in the school to a new schoolwide initiative.
Foster Relationships and Cooperative Learning: Adopt Block Scheduling At Your School
Block scheduling is better for fostering and nurturing relationships for both teacher to student, as well as student to student relationships.
Practice Mindfulness: 5 Minutes or Less to Prioritize Your Well-Being
The practice of mindfulness is a combination of awareness and acceptance. When you practice awareness, you focus your attention on your current—present—thoughts, feelings, and experiences. When you practice acceptance, you observe and accept—rather than judge or avoid—those thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Create a Learning Progression for Measuring Student Outcomes
The Novice–Expert Continuum is a unique framework that captures the evolution of students’ learning processes as they progress from following procedural rules to generating novel and creative products and responses to problems.
SEL Aligned With Your School Community: Select an Evidence-Based SEL Program
Your SEL team will need to consider several factors prior to the adoption of an evidence-based program for SEL. This activity will assist your team to clarify the needs and priorities and chose a program best suited for your school.
Student-Led SEL Implementation: Develop Schoolwide SEL Norms
Schoolwide norms are a set of agreed-upon expectations of how all students and staff will behave and interact to contribute to a positive school climate. This activity helps define what your schoolwide norms will be.
Defining SEL Outcomes: Develop Goals for Schoolwide SEL
This tool will help the SEL team develop and document goals for schoolwide SEL implementation and outcomes using the SMARTIE goal-setting process.
SEL Support Starts With Strong SEL Teams: Assemble an SEL Team Checklist
Assembling the right team to lead a school-wide effort is key to success. This checklist will provide insight into the many stakeholders you should be keeping in mind.
Student Empowerment: Support Student-Led Social Change
Student-led social change is not just an extracurricular activity; it is an essential part of education. When students learn how to advocate for themselves and others, they gain skills that will serve them for a lifetime. Let’s commit to creating schools that uplift and empower young leaders, ensuring that their voices are not just heard but acted upon.
Hiring and Retaining Top Talent: The Importance of Site Leadership and Identity Alignment
It doesn’t need to be in the news for us to know: hiring and retaining teachers and school staff is an increasingly difficult task. And it’s also the most important for our students. Yes, there are larger, more complex problems that need to be resolved, but there are also changes you can make now that will help you start hiring and retaining the talent your students need and deserve.
Rethinking Schoolwide Schedules: Build a School Day That Prioritizes People
An effective master schedule is so much more than making sure the bells ring on time. It not only sets the pace for the school and community, but it can directly impact students’ access to equitable learning, opportunities, and holistic well-being. It also impacts the well-being of your staff as well as their opportunities for meaningful collaboration, preparation, and professional development. An equitable and effective master schedule can lead to a healthier school community overall.
How To Build a Culture of Mind, Heart, and Spirit: 4 Ways Leaders Can Support Their Team & School
Embedding school identity in instruction, setting positive expectations, and embracing meaningful change are just some of the educational practices Angela Stevens-Stevenson — former principal at Martin Luther King, Jr. Junior High School in Pittsburg, California — is both passionate about and experienced with.