Rituals and routines that foster and sustain strong relationships.
Elements of Relationship Supporting Structures
These elements serve as guiding principles or visions of what “perfect” or “ideal” outcomes might look like.
Every child deserves a champion; an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.
– Rita F. Pierson
Crowdsource Workshops on Relationship Supporting Structures
Upcoming Crowdsource Workshops
Celebrating Connections: Building a Culture of Care Through Routines and Rituals
Toolkit Resources for Relationship Supporting Structures
Engage Your Emotional Intelligence to Improve Staff Retention
Foster Relationships and Cooperative Learning: Adopt Block Scheduling At Your School
Starting the New Year Connected: Strategies for Connecting With and Engaging All Students
Compliment Activity: Create a Caring Campus Community from Day One
Getting to Really Know Each Other Through Inquiry: Activity with Staff and Students
Bonding Braid Activity: Fostering Staff Relationships That Students Prosper From
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