Reflection 1 of 0

Develop a behavior-based hiring process.

Develop a behavior-based hiring process that ensures that the system favors candidates with values, beliefs, dispositions, and past behaviors that align with the school’s vision for readiness and identity.

This includes interview protocols that contain questions to probe the candidate’s understanding of and commitment to the key concepts defining the school’s identity. Examples for potential teaching staff:

  • How does your approach to teaching (designing curriculum, planning instruction, building assessments) support the value/belief that “All means all?”  Please provide specific examples of how your approach creates an inclusive environment for ALL.
  • The Power of the Collective is a mindset we share that recognizes our classrooms have to connect on what is most critical/important. Speak to experiences where you were either part of a collective effort that (a) was totally connected or (b) completely disconnected. What were the outcomes? What felt good – or made sense?  What were the challenges?  What role did you play in the collective?
  •  What is your why?
  • Take a minute to think about how you want to describe your students (skills, attributes, dispositions, characteristics, etc.) as they walk across the graduation stage ready for life. Identify which one attribute has been the key to your success. How would you create the opportunity for your students to develop that attribute?
  • We teach the whole child (academic – cognitive/metacognitive, behavioral, and social emotional).  Speak specifically to how your approach to teaching supports all three EQUALLY?  Give us some examples of how you support SEL in students.
  • What do you (or would you do) to create a sense of belonging for ALL students in your classroom? What role does curriculum, instruction, and assessment play in ensuring all students feel they belong in your classroom?  
  • How does your approach to teaching encompass and embrace the need to meet individual student interests, aspirations, and needs?  Speak specifically to how you address student voice and choice in your universal design for learning.
  • How would you define student agency? How does your approach to learning support the development of agency?  What do you do specifically with regards to curriculum, instructional routines, etc.?
  • What are specific culturally responsive/inclusive/sustaining practices you build into your universal approach for learning?