Professional development opportunities that help staff fulfill the school’s vision for readiness.
Elements of Professional Learning
These elements serve as guiding principles or visions of what “perfect” or “ideal” outcomes might look like.
Adult learning theory is used to build adult capacity to deliver for students.
Professional learning is intentionally focused on best practices for serving students who are systematically disadvantaged.
Professional learning is designed to maximize use of time and to be creatively embedded throughout the day, week, month, and year.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
Benjamin Franklin
Toolkit Resources for Professional Learning
Personalize Your Professional Development: Leadership Scope and Sequence Planning
Foster Instructional Best Practices: Add Learning Walks to Your School’s Evaluation Toolkit
Learning from Each Other: Use These Tools for Peer Reviews in Teaching
Self-Awareness SEL Survey: Reflect on SEL Competencies for School Leaders and Staff
Student Voice & Choice: Increase Student Agency and Ownership of Learning
MTSS Framework and the Work of the PLC: Two Schoolwide Systems & Three Big Ideas Work Together to Support ALL Students
Crowdsource Workshops on Professional Learning
Upcoming Crowdsource Workshops
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