Contact Information


First Name


Last Name



My pronouns are he/him.

Name Pronunciation

Jim Keegan




Fern Ridge, Junction City, Gaston, St. Helens and Warrenton

City and State

Portland, Oregon



Jim Keegan – Leadership Coach/Consultant


Jim Keegan worked for 39 years in education at all levels (18 secondary/21 elementary and middle) with 21 of those years as a building administrator and 16 years in the Springfield School District. While in Springfield, he worked exclusively at schools with high poverty and diverse populations and was very involved with Drs. Stan Paine and Ed Kame’enui and their work with literacy as well as the Safe and Civil Schools network and the work of Drs. Randy and Marilyn Sprick around strong PBIS systems. During his career, Jim taught in New York, Chicago and Oregon and completed his graduate and postgraduate work at the University of Oregon. Since his retirement in 2013, Jim has stayed current by working with the following organizations:


Education Northwest

2013 –2017 (4 years)

Member of a coaching network that provided support to schools that were in Focus and Priority status with a particular emphasis on School Improvement Planning, Leadership Team Development and principal support.


Oregon Rural Schools Network

2017 – Present

Member of a coaching network with specific support to the Junction City School District at the high school and middle level.


University of Oregon – Adjunct Faculty

2013 – Present

Supervised students working to obtain their Initial Administrator License.  Co-designed and taught several Institutes throughout the year.