Inclusive Leadership “I Believe” Statements

Inclusive leadership is not a destination. It’s a journey that requires humility, curiosity, and courage.
– Thais Compoint

Much of what guides and shapes a leader is what they themselves believe to be their role and function as a leader. But how many times have you actually stopped to reflect on what you believe your job as a leader is? Consider these 5 Inclusive Leadership “I Believe” Statements to begin shaping what kind of leader you want to be, what you believe your leadership should produce, and how your leadership can foster a more inclusive workplace.
- Evaluate your areas of strength and opportunities for growth for each of the 5 inclusive leadership statements
- Brainstorm ways to begin developing or enhancing each inclusive belief
- Plan one practice or goal for each belief
- Create your own “I believe” statement(s)
- Consider each of the 5 leadership “I believe” statements
- Evaluate yourself by first ranking each of the statements in order of personal strength
- 1 = belief you most strongly relate to and embody — 5 = belief you most need to develop
- Consider your rankings.
- Do they surprise you at all? How and why?
- Why do you think you embody some of these inclusive leadership beliefs and not others?
- What makes #1 and 2 especially “easy” or “natural” for you?
- What makes #4 and 5 especially “difficult” for you?
- Evaluate yourself by first ranking each of the statements in order of personal strength
- Brainstorm ways to begin developing or enhancing each belief
- Plan one practice or goal for each inclusive leadership belief. Be sure your plans are tangible and practical.
- For #1-2 on your ranked list, consider how you more consistently and effectively apply your belief and/or enhance it further
- For #3-5 on your ranked list, consider how you can work on practicing and feeling comfortable and confident embracing and embodying the belief
- Plan one practice or goal for each inclusive leadership belief. Be sure your plans are tangible and practical.
- “EXTRA CREDIT” — Write your own inclusive leadership “I believe” statement(s) to add to the original list!
- If you feel comfortable, consider discussing with a trusted friend, colleague, confidant, etc. An outside perspective can be helpful and enlightening (especially if you’re feeling stuck).