Conduct Empathy Interviews: Elevate Student Voices, So You Can Understand and Support Them

Leaders cannot be leaders if they do not understand the needs of those people they lead. If leaders do not show they care, how could others feel safe and protected… yet alone capable and valued?

– Kyxie Dominguez, Education Specialist

Empathy interviews can be conducted as a focus group or individual interview.

Planning For Empathy Interviews

Identify Interview Facilitators

These individuals should be comfortable speaking with students and able to develop a high level of rapport with participants. Interviewers can be neutral outside facilitators, or school staff who are not currently teaching students that participate in the group.

Identify Students to Interview

When designing and selecting students for empathy interview participation, recruit students with diverse perspectives and school experiences.

This should include:

  • Students from each different program and/or school group.
  • Representative sample of students across multiple criteria (e.g., grade level or span; school; student subgroup, such as English language learners or special education; GPA; experience with their program).
  • Try to ensure that focus groups are demographically representative of the community, taking into consideration characteristics such as race/ethnicity, gender, experience with program.
  • Consider using a protocol like the Unpacking All protocol to explore what groups you may need to ensure you are including.

Identify Thematic Interview Questions

A typical empathy interview protocol has four to eight open-ended, story-based questions. It is helpful to have a theme you are exploring through the empathy interviews, and start with questions that all students can connect with. Leave room for follow-up questions to encourage students to go deeper. Consider the list of sample questions below.

Avoid asking questions that can be answered with “yes/no.” 

Conduct Empathy Interview


Explain the purpose of the focus group/interview. Provide appropriate guidelines.


Provide an icebreaker, or intro activity.

Dive into questions

This should be an intentional conversation focused on a positive student experience. The facilitator should become familiar with the thematic questions ahead of time. Being able to conduct the interview like a discussion may make the students more comfortable responding than asking questions in a list-like format.

  • Follow up on answers that need clarification or that might lead to more in depth discussion, using phrases like “Tell me more about that.” 
  • Avoid injecting personal opinion or strong positive/negative reaction to answers.
  • Encourage participation by all students, paying attention to students who don’t answer right away by giving them a chance to speak up.
  • Avoid requiring students to answer, especially if they seem uncomfortable. 
  • Try to get students to provide specific examples, when possible.
  • Provide students with the opportunity to follow up individually or add information they thought about after the interview is over. 
  • Capture verbatim notes with as much detail as possible.

Wrap up

Thank the person or group for their time and thoughtful discussion. Provide a way for the student(s) to share any final thoughts or comments they may think of in the coming days.

Collect Information/Data

To summarize student empathy interview data effectively, start by identifying key themes, patterns, and insights from student responses. Look for trends and consider the root causes of those trends.

  • Categorize feedback into major areas such as academic experiences, social-emotional well-being, and school culture.
  • Highlight common challenges, aspirations, and suggestions to ensure student voices drive meaningful improvements.
  • Use direct quotes or representative anecdotes to add authenticity and depth.

Present your findings in a clear and concise format such as a thematic report like the example provided in the Math Anxiety Research Brief. Consider creating an infographic or presentation to make the data accessible to educators, staff, and stakeholders. This approach will help foster discussions and guide action plans that support student needs.

Build and Implement an Action Plan

Brainstorm ways to enhance the student experience based on the information garnered from the interviews. Identify potential projects, activities, committees, etc. to address common student needs that emerged.

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