Annual Goals and 90-Day Action Plan Cycle: Make Long-Term Goals Manageable & Attainable

Set long-term and mini goals for yourself. Don’t get overwhelmed: It won’t happen overnight. Always have a plan and re-evaluate it regularly. If a door closes, find a window. Don’t take no for an answer — there is always another option.
– Bobbi Brown

Understanding that continuous improvement is necessary and identifying what needs to be improved are the first steps toward lasting school change, but then what? This customizable template is intended to help get you started on implementing an annual plan for continuous improvement that is broken up into 90-day “mini-goals,” so your long-term goal remains focused and sustainable for year one and beyond.
- Implement this Annual Goals and 90-Day Action Plan Cycle over the course of a school year.
- Use this plan to assess your progress and make any necessary changes for the following 90-day cycle as well as future school year(s).
- The link above will direct you to make your own copy of our Google Sheets version of the Annual Goals and 90-Day Action Plan Cycle Template. Feel free to edit/adapt your copy to meet your needs.