Leading for Equity

In the Portico community we are committed to relentlessly challenging and supporting each other to transform the student experience. We do this with leaders by disrupting the status quo and creating space for critical conversations. We work together to create systems that recognize and honor the voices of students and families. This includes challenging those who have traditionally had power within the educational system to let go of power that does not allow students to have agency to discover and nurture their strengths, and graduate ready to pursue their interests and reach their aspirations.

Key Resources

Additional Resources

Reflection Prompts

  • What is your approach to coaching those who have differing beliefs or values from your own?
  • How do you navigate and/or approach courageous conversations about difficult or uncomfortable ideas, beliefs, or situations?
  • What progress do you personally want to make in regards to leading for equity by the end of the school year?
  • Provide examples of how you and/or those in your community are leading for equity.
  • What does equity mean to your school community? Do your current supports and resources that your students have access to align to your community’s view of equity? 
  • Are the students who need extra support at your school receiving it?