Getting Started

Welcome to Portico, Inflexion’s virtual community for school leaders. We’re glad you are here, and you’ve already completed the first step by visiting this page. The Portico site is a virtual space where all your discussions and resources will be connected and easy for you to find. We recommend you bookmark the site for easy access in the future.

If your first question is “what is Portico and why am I here?” watch the 5 Shifts video or continue reading to understand how being part of the Portico community can support you and lead to meaningful shifts in your school community.

Elise Kuykendall, Director of Partnership Development at Inflexion

For schools to thrive, leaders need to make 5 Shifts

Portico is here to guide and support you, so you can get the important work of education done.

Uproot, rethink, and rebuild

The best school leaders know that the system is broken and bandaids don’t work. Meaningful, lasting solutions won’t be found by duct taping a system that was built 150 years ago. We help leaders find bold solutions to nagging problems by breaking old habits and igniting new thought.

Find your people

You know what it’s like to sit in the big chair, feeling completely and utterly alone with nowhere to turn to for advice or support. Every single one of your principals is fighting the same lonely battle. We give them the community of peers they need to make better, bold, and more informed decisions.

Get busy on the right stuff

Being a school leader means dealing with 100 urgent fires every day. It’s so easy to get distracted from the really important work that will get results. We help your people identify what is truly important and give them proven strategies that keep the most critical initiatives moving forward no matter what else is going on.

Move from me to we

Like every community, schools work better when everyone is united around a common purpose and shared values. We help principals lead their schools from unhappy and disconnected cliques of self-interested people to a thriving hub of people who feel part of something bigger than themselves.

Invest in coaching

Education is the only industry where coaching and professional development aren’t routinely offered to its leaders. And yet, it is crucial to success. In the business world, 84% of CEOs said coaches had helped them avoid costly mistakes, 84% of CEOs grew into their positions more quickly, and 69% of CEOs said they were making better decisions.

Portico is built with you in mind.

We transform the way we do things, so that you can, too.

Inflexion Approach Navigation System